Monday, November 17, 2008

Knitting (a Poem)


by kj baez
Friday, March 12, 2004 

My favourite 'knitting' line is a John Lennon put-down in the film A Hard Day's Night when the fusspot studio floor assistant comes on in a big outsize woolly sweater. George says his mother knitted it, and sardonic John says, She knitted him! Then straight into, 'If I trust in you, oh please.... The fabulous knitting brothers from Liverpool! Yeah yeah yeah! 


You made me laugh with your knitting, 
knitting jackets, socks and caps. 

Will you come to my Fair Isle country 
and knit me a jumper? 
Will you knit me a new life? 
Through the town, leave a wool 
trail for me to follow 
that leads to your house. 

In my knitted sweater, I'll climb the stairs, 
you'll unknot my knitted brows, 
and, because you have no time now 
to knit, I'll take over the needles 
and knit us a blanket 
so we can keep warm, 
and maybe one night, 
at the end of the day, 
our bones will knit together. 

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